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Why Leadership is important? How does Leadership affect organisational performance?It is proven that Leaders have the single biggest influence on team culture. Creating vision and motivating engagement, shaping behaviours and attitudes. They drive or damage wellbeing and performance and therefore organisational success. If they create a healthy and happy team culture then their team are likely to try their best and care about what they do.
What’s the difference between Leadership and Management?Management is doing a set of tasks or controlling a group to complete a goal. Leadership requires people to influence, inspire, motivate, and enable others to contribute towards the success of the organisation. Despite the difference, in reality many companies use these titles interchangeably.
When to use coaching style of leadership?When Leader want to create a collaborative learning culture on their team. When the leader wants their team to engage, problem solve, plan and manage tasks themselves. Using a coaching approach escalates learning, builds confidence, engagement, communication and relationships. When leaders coach day to day their team feels valued and trusted.
What is Leadership Development?Leadership development refers to activities that improve the skills, ability and confidence of leaders. Programmes can vary massively in complexity and style. From one-to-one sessions to a programmes of workshops. Leadership development helps expand the capacity and ability of individuals to perform in leadership roles within their organisations.
Why is Leadership Development important?Leaders have the single biggest influence on team culture and performance. They create vision and motivate engagement, shaping behaviours and attitudes. They drive or damage wellbeing and performance and therefore organisational success.
Can Leadership be taught?Yes. Whilst some personality traits might support an easier start in leadership, most aspects require experience and practice. However, leadership is not just developed through time. It’s a practice that needs to be constantly honed. Leaders who seek to improve themselves through new experiences, learning from mistakes, extending their training, working with coaches and mentors, receiving honest feedback and reflective practice will develop themselves quicker and be more successful.
What is a coaching culture?When day to day people in an organisation help each other to grow, thrive and perform through effective conversations, powerful questions and honest feedback underpinned by trust. In a certain situations they might flip to other styles of leadership, but the predominant feel is that of learning and growing together.
What are the benefits of a coaching culture?A coaching culture escalates engagement and performance. 46 percent of companies with higher revenues than their competitors stated that they had a strong coaching culture in their organisation. Sixty-one percent of organisations who had adopted a coaching culture reported higher engagement levels. Proven benefits: Increased employee engagement. Increased collaboration in the workforce. Development of people and performance. Improvement of creativity and agility. Increased responsibility in employees. Improved change management capabilities. Increased sense of belonging
How do we build a coaching culture?There are numerous activities which will support a coaching culture to take shape within your organisation. There are many excellent books written on this subject. Here are some top level approaches: 1. Get senior leadership on board, ensure they understand and experience coaching themselves in order to be able to role model, evangelise and successfully shift their leadership approach. Develop a panel of experienced, qualified and credentialled external coaches for people to choose from. 2. Develop a coaching approach to all softskills training on offer. Topics like giving feedback, negotiation, problem-solving, conflict resolution, difficult conversations, advanced communication and delegation can be enhanced with a coaching style of leadership. This encourages the application of coaching skills ‘on the job’. 3. Provide Coaching Skills Courses for all of your leadership levels. Provide learning opportunities for employees to gain a deeper understanding of coaching and its methods. As employees learn how to coach better they’ll share that knowledge with their peers, by doing so they’ll reinforce their own learning. For those with a deeper passion for coaching consider supporting further qualifications. Developing capable internal coaches with further underpin the culture shift. 4. Share the successes of taking a coaching approach with stories that filter through the organisation. Promote coaching as a mindset shift. Highlight and reward excellence in coaching. 5. Quality Control and Improvement. Offer coaching supervision for leaders who commit to taking a coaching approach in order to continue their development through reflective practice and further support. Work to a set of standards for coaching such as ICF’s Coaching Competencies. 6. Identify the culture shift blockers. Discover what is enabling or disabling their performance. Is their approach likely to be successful long term if the predominant culture of the organisation shifts? 7. How will the impact be measured and evaluated? What data do you collect now? What data will be important to measure success? Consider both qualitative and quantitative research and monitoring. An outcome from effective coaching is that leaders are developing teams of people who feel supported and empowered to make their own decisions. Does every employee at every level have coaching conversations on a regular basis? 8. Ensure that coaching is a strategic objective at the core of the organisations polices and strategies, thus making it a priority for organisational development. 9. Re-write job descriptions and person specifications to include coaching attributes and approaches. 10. Create a plan and points of accountability.
How can Carver Coaching help us to build a coaching culture?We offer a variety of services to support organisations to build a coaching culture. Coaching Skills for Leaders & Managers Courses Various soft skills courses for Leaders & Managers which support take a Coaching Approach One to One Leadership Coaching Team Interventions Away Days
What is the GROW Model?This is a basic coaching conversation model which many people start with when they are learning how to coach. Whilst this is a useful foundational model it can be restrictive and feel unnatural. There are many other approaches which should be taught alongside GROW to support people to successful adopt a coaching approach. Coaching conversations should feel natural and flow day to day, not feel like stilted scripted interactions.
Why team coaching?Team Coaching is particularly useful for teams who need to ‘up their game’ and quickly improve working relationships. The emphasis is on facilitating conversations between team members with the aim of understanding perspectives, changing the narrative, aligning goals and making more effective use of the team's collective strengths.
Why is team building important?Build trust Reduce assumptions & understand perspectives Create commitment, accountability & ownership Sustain performance & nurture Wellbeing Build inclusion & engagement Stop avoiding difficult conversations Enable healthy conflict & address barriers to success Increase Emotional Intelligence Adopt a ‘Strengths Approach’ Define Vision, Goals, Boundaries & Roles Air any ‘elephants in the room’ & express fears
Why have an Away Day? Why is an Away Day important?Away days are important team building events. Stepping away from your usual workplace set up to meet face-to-face provides the team with a chance to really connect, time to think, learn and create memories. 1.Professional Development on key topics. 2.Team bonding and building. 3.Increase morale & loyalty; show people they are valued. 4.Improves communication. 5.Rewards hard work, resilience & results. 6.Give time for reflection and forward planning. 7.Enhance productivity and ways of working. 8.Facilitated time to think. 9.Meet as individuals away from organisational culture & structure. 10.Open crucial conversations that support all voices to be heard
How can coaching help leaders to develop?A leadership coaching relationship is a collaborative partnership which has defined measurable objectives. The coach supports the individual to navigate work-related issues and drive success. Coaching should not only provide support to the individual to excel in their role, but should also be transformative. The sessions should support people to reflect on their leadership behaviour with brutal honesty and take actions between sessions to improve and propel them forwards, creating new habits and driving team results. At the heart of coaching is a creative and thought-provoking process that supports individuals to confidently pursue new ideas and alternative solutions with greater resilience in the face of growing complexity and uncertainty. Research from 2009 ICF Global Coaching Client Study conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Why is leadership coaching important?Because sometimes people get stuck. They use the same approaches they have always used. Leaders generally draw on their experience and wisdom from their past. However, there are often other perspectives or solutions which they haven’t thought of. A coach asks questions and holds space for the leader to discover new solutions and perspectives. It’s not always just about supporting problem solving though. It might be about driving up confidence or give support during turbulence. It’s sometimes about holding up a mirror and deepening understanding about ourselves and others in order to navigate situations for greater success all round. Leadership coaching develop valuable new skills that can open up opportunities for advancement, supporting them to be better leaders which can boost employee engagement and retention throughout the organisation
What’s the difference between Leadership Coaching Vs Mentoring?Both are based on having one to one conversations with the goal of supporting people to develop, succeed and grow. Mentoring is when you share your knowledge, skills and experience. You offer guidance and they benefit from your wisdom and lessons from your career experiences. It’s ‘I’ve done this, and this is what I learnt, if I was you I would suggest this path would be of benefit’. Mentoring can work both ways with more experienced colleagues sharing workplace challenges with those younger in their careers Coaching is non-directive, it’s not about the coaches experience. The coach facilitates the other person to think, learn, problem solve and find their own answers by using great questions. It’s ‘How do you think you could improve your approach next time? And what steps are going to progress this project’? What supports you to perform at your best’ What do you want to be famous for?
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